Ravenshead Surgery
01623 888503
5 Nottingham Road, Ravenshead, Nottinghamshire NG15 9HG
Opening Hours:
Mon to Fri 9:00am - 6:30pm
Sat 9:30am - 11:30am
Closed Bank Holidays
Redhill Surgery
0115 967 9777
238 Mansfield Road, Redhill
Nottingham NG5 8JY
Opening Hours:
Please contact the surgery for
opening hours and appointments.
Out of Hours
Emergency Numbers
01246 930562 0115 8371194
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GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Compliance Policy, for data held by the Animal Doctor Veterinary Practice in Ravenshead, Nottinghamshire.
The Animal Doctor is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Please read this GDPR & privacy policy carefully, so that you can understand why and how we collect data from you, and how it is used by us.
Why we collect your personal data and what we do with it.
When you register your pet or pets with the Animal Doctor, they are stored and processed for the following reasons;
We need to collect your personal information in order to provide you with the veterinary services you have requested we undertake on your behalf to keep your pets happy and healthy.
This request and our agreement to provide veterinary services constitutes a contract and we will therefore require the ability to process your data in order to fulfill this contract and provide the services to the standards expected by The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
Please note that GDPR legislation ONLY pertains to data on people and not animals.
We collect, store and process this information based upon a 'Legitimate & Medical Interest' because without it we would be unable to provide you with the veterinary services, such as:
Annual Vaccinations/Health Checks/Blood tests etc, reminders, although the responsibility to keep them up to date remains with you
Emergency treatments
Progress reports on your pets' recovery
We may also occasionally send you a newsletter, or information that we feel would benefit the health and well being of your pets and could be of interest to you, as the owner. You may withdraw this consent at any time, by clicking the unsubscribe option which can be found at the top and bottom of each email, or by emailing animal-doctor@outlook.com
Personal data may be provided to the Animal Doctor in a number of ways including directly from you (email, post, in person, website), recommendations or forwarding of relevant information from associated parties (such as other veterinary agencies).
Retention Period
The record keeping requirements for Veterinary Medicinal Products (VMPs) are set out in the Veterinary Medicines Regulations (VMRs). Records of the retail supply (which includes administration) of POM-V and POM-VPS medicines must be kept for 5 years.
It is the Animal Doctor's policy to to retain your records, including vaccination records for 5 years post completion of the last veterinary procedure. After which time you can ask that we delete your records if you so wish. You may do this by contacting any member of our team by phone, email animal-doctor@outlook.com. Should we not be requested to delete your records, these will be retained indefinitely in order for us to provide a better service at a later date without having to collect personal data again.
Your records are stored electronically on our office computers and hard copies are stored in a locked facility. Electronic records are backed up daily and stored securely in the cloud.
Third-Parties / Outsourced Providers
We will never share your data with any third party without your prior written or verbal consent. Only the following people/agencies will/could have access to your data;
• Members of the Animal Doctor's team, to provide you with services
• IT service company who manage our IT and servers
• Website Development company who manage our website
• Government agencies should this be required for fulfillment of contract
• The Insurance Company your pet is insured with.
Data Access Requests
Under professional guidelines set by the RCVS, clinical and client records including diagnostic images and similar records, are the property of, and are retained by the Animal Doctor in the interests of animal welfare and for our own protection. Although you do not own your pets' clinical records, you have the right to access information and you can do this by contacting any member of the team or emailing animal-doctor@outlook.com and submitting a “Subject Access Request”. We will respond to this request within one calendar month.
Access if you change vet to or from the Animal Doctor
Under RCVS guidelines, at your request we must provide copies of any relevant clinical and client records. This includes relevant records which have come from other practices, if they relate to the same animal and the same client, but does not include records which relate to the same animal but a different client.
Data Rectification
In addition to this, you also have the right to request that we update any information that you believe to be incorrect. It is likely that this request will be dealt with immediately, however we will respond to this request within one calendar month. This can be done by contacting any member of our team by email, phone or website contact form or emailing animal-doctor@outlook.com.
Other Rights
If you decide that you don’t want us to contact you anymore, you are welcome to email us at animal-doctor@outlook.com to ask us to stop. This request will be reviewed and we will respond to you within one calendar month. If you are asking us to stop sending marketing information, we will do so immediately. You are also able to click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any communications. If you would like us to erase all of the data we store and process for you, or you would like us to update or amend data held, please email us at animal-doctor@outlook.com. We will respond to your request within one calendar month but hopefully sooner.
Complaints Process
If you feel that we have mishandled or breached our responsibilities in handling your personal data, please contact our Data Controller at animal-doctor@outlook.com. We are strongly committed to protecting your personal data. Should you be unsatisfied with our response, you have the right to raise your concern directly with the Information Commissioner’s Office, the UK Data Protection Supervisory Authority.